Page 12 - FINAL fall 2014 magazine
P. 12

By Sharon Schaaf

          If you enjoy reading books about our beautiful Southwest and then
          sharing your favorite reads with family and friends, check out the book
          collection at the Elements Gift Shop in the Red Rock Canyon Visitor
          Center. Here are a few selections that might give you a gift idea for the

           True West Magazine was started in 1953 and pub-       Activities and references are included to help you get

       lishes monthly. The goal of the award-winning maga-       even more information about the history, geology,
       zine is to keep the spirit of the Old West alive, going       plants, insects, animals and people of national parks
       beyond the legends and tall tales we see in movies or     from Arches National Monument in Utah, to Mesa
       television shows. In 2005 their editors selected twen-    Verde National Park in Colorado, El Morro National
       ty-six articles from past editions and put the stories    Monument in New Mexico, Grand Canyon National
       together in a book entitled “True Tales and Amazing       Park in Arizona and our very own Valley of Fire State
       Legends of the Old West.”                                 Park and Red Rock Canyon NCA.

           The book includes names we’ve all heard of such           Award-winning “Why the Moon Paints Her Face
       as Sacagawea, Wyatt Earp, Pancho Villa and Bill           Black” is a beautifully written and illustrated book
       Hickok and those not so famous like female rodeo          for young readers.
       champion Vera McGinnis and lawman Orlando                 Cedar City, Utah,
       “Rube” Robbins, Texas cowboy and grandson of              resident Eleanor Tom,
       slaves. It includes the downright weird O Homo,           a member of the Cedar

       Alfred Packer and John Shaw; you have to read their       Band of Paiutes, tells
       stories and see the photos and illustrations to believe   the story of the stars,
       these three really existed.                               the sun and the moon
                                                                 as she heard it from
                                    “The Redrock Canyon          her grandmother, then
                                 Explorer:  A Virtual            adding her own slant. University of Utah linguistics
                                 Visit to an Imaginary           student Chloe Valentine Brent transcribed Eleanor’s

                                 Canyon,” written and            telling into English and Southern Paiute, a major task
                                 illustrated by Irene Brady,
                                                                 since Paiute is not a written language. Most of the
                                 is a useful reference for       illustrations are done by Utah Paiute children. The
                                 families living near red        book includes a wonderful read-along CD of the story
                                 rock parks, monuments           in Paiute and English, demonstrating the beauty of the
                                 and conservation areas in
                                                                 Paiute language.
                                 Arizona, New Mexico,
       Colorado, Utah and Nevada. The guidebook is easy-             All three of these books are currently available in
       to-use and filled with excellent illustrations.           the Elements Gift Shop. Happy Shopping!

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