Page 14 - FINAL fall 2014 magazine
P. 14
Article and photos By Pat Williams
Over 80 enthusiastic members and guests attended the Annual Meet- 2014—2015 Approved Budget
ing and Elections held on Saturday, September 20. The meeting, hosted
by Bonnie Springs INCOME ITEMS
Amazon Smiles $300
Ranch, featured a hot Banquet Sales $500
country-style breakfast Cash - Money Market Account $45,410
complete with mixed License Plate - Past Sales
fruits, eggs, sausage, CoinTraption $23,000
home fries, biscuits and Donation Boxes $4,200
gravy. During the break- Fundraising - Other $500
fast and social period Grants $5,000
Members enjoyed a hearty breakfast before voting members were able to Internet Sales $500
on the budget and the new board members enjoy a slideshow featur- Interest Income $260
License Plate Revenue $48,000
ing the accomplishments of our past year.
Membership Dues $12,000
Merchandise Sales $7,000
Outgoing president Tim O’Brien then introduced the year’s next Other Donations $5,000
operating budget, cash reserve policy and Red Rock Canyon project PayPal Rewards $2,600
fund with unanimous approval from the members. The candidates for Photo Contest $1,050
president, vice president and director, Chuck Williams, Doyle Wayman Raffle Sales $4,000
Walkway Contributions
and Joe Labie respectively, were unanimously elected to two-year REGULAR INCOME $160,020
terms of office. See the complete listing of board, committee and staff
members on page three. EXPENSE ITEMS
Ambassador $400
Mark Hall-Patton, Communications $2,200
Museum Director for Cultural Resources $1,300
Clark County, pre- Fundraising and Grants $104,315
General Operating Fund
sented an extremely Graffiti Removal $2,500
entertaining and in- Historian $3,250
formative history of Landscaping $750
southern Nevada. License Plate $2,000
Mark also provided Member Services $4,475
Natural Resources
information regard- Magazine $7,225
ing his participation Marketing $550
in several television Photo Contest $1,325
series including the Procurement $4,250
History Channel’s FORRC Special and Projects $8,500
Tortoise Habitat $1,000
internationally Mark Hall-Patton presenting a superb history of southern Transportation - Field Trips $8,150
famous show, Pawn Nevada Volunteer Events $3,040
Stars. Walkway $2,090
Workshops and Classes $375
Mr. Hall-Patton was the undisputed star of the Annual Meeting.
Page 14 TOTAL EXPENSES $160,020