Page 18 - FINAL fall 2014 magazine
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One of the frequent questions the visitors ask me is, my friends wear when
“Hugo, how do you like your new home at the Rock?” they come to visit me with the delightful kale. The
And I always answer that this is the best place on earth. blue things have something to do with keeping my
Before I came here, I had been abandoned in a fore- home clean and safe for me. They don’t taste good.
closed home. I was lonely. But now I have my forever
home where I am fed and loved by my friends. Friends of Red Rock also pays for other neat things
at Red Rock… They bring busloads of school kids out
Did you know that Friends of Red Rock Canyon pays to see me! Oh, sure, the teachers try to pretend the
for almost everything in the Tortoise Habitat? The most trips are educational but I know who is the star of the
important thing, to me, is the delightful organic kale and show: ME! Not Max and not the girls. I am the best.
the ac-
ceptable You can help Friends do more neat things at Red
tortoise Rock Canyon by getting a Red Rock Canyon license
chow. plate. It’s so easy that even I could do it. Except I
They also don’t have a car. It wouldn’t fit in my barrel burrow!
pay for Buy a Red Rock license plate. I can’t live without
those my organic kale. It’s my favorite thing.
blue things, I think they’re called “booties” that Hugo thanks you very much!
We Have Made a Difference (continued from page 10)
Cultural Resource Committee and the Williamses members to over 500 supporters today. In this fiscal
again in 2010. Five volunteers received Presidential year, volunteers have donated over 21,000 hours
Call to Service Awards, recognizing their 4,000 hours equating to over 10 full-time employees working 40
of volunteer service: Martha Burk, Julia Burke, hours a week, 52 weeks a year. Compare that to 5,571
Barbara Wolin, Chuck Williams and Pat Williams. volunteer hours recorded in 1989!
Pat Williams was honored as the Conservation Lands
Over the past 30 years, the value of Friends
Foundation “Advocate of the Year” in 2011 and was
volunteer hours has equaled approximately $6 million
presented with the BLM’s “National Volunteer Mile-
stone Award” in 2013 recognizing her 20,000 life- dollars in labor savings for Red Rock Canyon. Friends
of Red Rock Canyon has also donated approximately
time volunteer hours for the Public Lands.
$2 million in direct financial support benefitting the
Through the years, community partnerships have Canyon. All told, our contributions exceed $8 million
been forged with many businesses/organizations dollars!
including: Albertsons, Bonnie Springs, Conservation
Lands Foundation, Howard Hughes Corporation, The Our founding members should be proud of their
decision to form Friends of Red Rock Canyon. Their
Outside Las Vegas Foundation, REI, RRCIA, Repub-
vision of providing volunteers, user education and
lic Services, Sunrise Colony and the University of
Nevada Las Vegas. resource protection and preservation has expanded to
match the needs of Red Rock Canyon.
Since our modest beginnings in 1984, Friends of
Indeed … We HAVE made a Difference!
Red Rock Canyon has grown from the 14 founding
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