Page 17 - FINAL fall 2014 magazine
P. 17

Partners Protect (continued from page 6)                     Paleontology – there
           Education – we provide educational opportunities     are many exciting

       for children of all ages about the plethora of           discoveries that have
       knowledge to be gleaned from GSENM. In 2013, over        emerged from the
       1,000 students participated in our educational pro-      Monument and so
       grams.                                                   many more to come!
                                                                We assist the GSENM
                                               Site Steward-
                                           ship – we moni-      paleontologist both in              Photo provided by BLM
                                           tor and care for     the field and in the lab.  GSEP Paleo Outreach Coordinator
                                                                                         Taylor Birthisel (L) teaching
                                           valuable archae-                              students about dinosaurs.
                                           ological and
                                                                                   About the authors:
                                           sites located on                   Noel Poe and his wife, Mary, moved to Kanab,
       Site Steward monitoring Glasseye Ruins                                 Utah in 2007. In 2008, Noel joined the Partners
                          Photo provided by BLM   GSENM. When                 Board of Directors and since then has served
       visiting, you never know when you’ll meet one of our                   as Vice President, President, Treasurer, and is
                                                                              now Executive Director of the organization.
       40 current site stewards monitoring their site!
                                                                 Daisy Johnson, from Fredonia, Arizona, joined

                                                                 Partners in 2006 as an intern working with
          Conservation/Restoration – the                         graphic design and page layouts. Today she is
       biggest project we are working on                         the Social Media Coordinator for GSEP, as well
                                                                 as a full –time mom to two boisterous boys.
       now is restoring the Escalante
       River Watershed. In 2014 we are
       spending $800,000 cutting Russian
                                                                 The gateway to GSENM is located in Kanab, Utah.
       olive trees.                                              For more information, visit Grand Staircase
                                                                 Escalante Partners at, and make
       Conservation Corps removing Russian                       sure to like us on Facebook
       olive during Escalante River Restoration                  grandstaircaseescalantepartners for current updates!
                                           Photo provided by Noel Poe

       Tort Tattler (continued from page 5)                          The tortoises will start brumating in October or

           There is one sure way to keep Hugo occupied…         November and will stay in their burrows until February
       food! He enjoyed organic kale, kibbles and prickly       or March.
       pear while ten people with shovels and picks tore his        Come on out to the habitat and see them soon. See if
       habitat apart.                                           you like Hugo’s new burrow.

                                                                    If you would
                                                 After a lei-
                                             surely break-      like more infor-
                                             fast, he in-       mation about the
                                                                tortoises or you
                                             spected his
                                             new burrow,        would like to join
                                             and decided        the Tort Team,
                                             that he liked it.   you can reach
        Hugo is oblivious to any distraction                    Sue and Roger       “I’m Hugo and I approve this message.”
        when he has kale and prickly pears.                     Kolar at                                Photo by Sue Kolar
                            Photo by Pat Williams
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