Page 16 - FINAL fall 2014 magazine
P. 16

By Mary E. Labie

        By tradition, Friends of Red Rock Canyon has shown appreciation for our volunteers and presented recognition of their achieve-
        ments on an annual basis. These events were held at various venues and celebrated with an annual evening banquet. In February
        2014, our 2013 Volunteer Recognition and Achievement Awards were presented in conjunction with the celebration of Friends of
        Red Rock Canyon’s 30  Anniversary.
                       Save  the  date—Saturday, Novembe r 22

           The Annual Volunteer Appreciation and Recogni-           Additionally, volunteers who donated more than
       tion Event will be held at Bonnie Springs Ranch on          100 hours in the last fiscal year will also receive
       November 22, 2014, celebrating our members’              Presidential Call to Service recognition.
       achievements and accomplishments during the past
       fiscal year. Organizational Volunteer Awards for             The Bureau of Land Management will present Red
       special achievement and accomplishments will be also     Rock Canyon Annual Passes to volunteers with 40 or
       presented at this event.                                 more hours of service with the America the Beautiful
                                                                Volunteer Pass awarded to volunteers who have
           Volunteers with 40 or more donated hours will re-    donated 250 or more hours on an accumulated basis.
       ceive their Appreciation Rewards during the event.

                         Plan to join us at Bonnie Springs Ranch for a wonderful hot breakfast buffet.
                    We hope to see you on November 22. Look for your mailed invitation in early October.

        How it is made  (continued from page 7)                 nonprofit mailing rate does not go up. The magazines
                                                                are sorted by zip codes and placed in the appropriate
        lists: some members get renewal notices, some get a
                                                                carton. It saves us about $400 annually to presort the
        “second chance” notice, some get meeting notices
                                                                magazines for the Post Office. The bulk of the maga-
        and so on.
                                                                zines are taken to the Blue Diamond Post Office and
            We have a mailing assem-                                                   the next day are in your mail-
        bly line that would make                                                       box. About 500 of the maga-
        Henry Ford jealous. In fact,                                                   zines are hand delivered to our

        we turn out magazines quick-                                                   partners: REI, Albertsons,
        er than his Model T’s. We                                                      Bonnie Springs Ranch and
        have certain jobs for   certain                                                Red Rock Canyon Interpreta-
        people. There are the mailing                                                  tive Association.
        label people; there are the                                                        This magazine is put
        colored label people; there                                                    together by volunteers and the
        are the inserters who put in                                                   only costs are printing and

        the notices that fall out when     The assembly team working in The Secret Place.   mailing. We hope you enjoy
        you open the magazine. There                                                   each issue as much as we en-
        are three sealers who place one seal in the middle      joy making it possible. We’ve now started to work on
        and one on each end of the magazine. Care has to be     the winter issue.
        taken to insure the weight is just right so our
                                                                      “We never rest to bring you the best.”
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