Page 15 - FINAL fall 2014 magazine
P. 15

“Characters of the Old Spanish Trail” by

                                                                      Douglas M. Knudson will be the fall selection
                                                                      for the Book Nook. The book tells the true sto-
                                                                      ries of 24 men and women who used the Old
                                                                      Spanish Trail in the early 1800s. Some were
                                                                      traders or explorers; others were simply making
                                                                      the move from New Mexico to California to start
                                                                      a new life. Some are famous like Kit Carson and
                                                                      John Fremont; most are not. However, they are
          By Sharon Schaaf                                            all  important because each adventurer helped

                                                                      grow the economy of the west.

       Join Janis and Kristin for the fall Book Nook discussion of this selection. Visit the Red Rock Canyon Interpretive
       Association website at: for the date. Then call 702-515-5367 to reserve your spot.

       Organ Mountains—Desert Peaks  (continued from page 8)
                                                                future of our high
                                          public at large to    desert areas. We’re
                                          go out and enjoy      promoting the protec-
                                          their public lands.   tion and preservation

                                          It will be availa-    of public lands and
                                          ble at local hotels   their diverse populations of wildlife and plants, rich
                                          and businesses        cultural and archeological features and their intrinsic
                                          and has a space       aesthetic qualities. We envision natural landscapes in
                                          on the back for       Doña Ana County that are managed and appreciated
       Ruins of a hotel in the Dripping Springs
       area within Organ Mountains-Desert   them to place       for their inherent beauty, scientific and cultural values,
       Peaks National Monument            their own decal to    resulting in the integration of human activities such as
        help promote tourism in the area.                       hiking, hunting, horseback riding, tourism and educa-

            As mentioned above, a number of groups worked       tion while continuing responsible ranching activities
        tirelessly to help bring about the protection of our    where currently practiced.
        beloved lands. For many years, the emphasis was to
                                                                Find out more about your newest National Monument at
        get this done through congressional action. Our You can also find and like
        Friends group was formed when the transition to         them on Facebook.

        focusing on Presidential Designation was decided
        upon by the broader coalition. While many different                 About the author:
        local groups are intimately involved to some extent     Lucas Herndon has lived in Las Cruces since
                                                                1989 and received his Bachelor’s degree in
        with the progression of management of the monu-         history from New Mexico State University. As an
        ment, they have other campaigns requiring their at-     avid outdoorsman he enjoys hiking, hunting,
                                                                fishing and camping with his family and friends
        tention. This is where the real value of our group      all over the desert southwest. Lucas is also a
        comes in.                                               board member of the Las Cruces Green Chamber of Commerce and a
                                                                volunteer Tree Steward with the City of Las Cruces. His daughter
            The Friends of Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks         frequently shows up in pictures of some of these amazing places as she
                                                                also enjoys being out in these wonderful public lands.
        were drawn together by our common concern for the
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