Page 11 - FINAL fall 2014 magazine
P. 11
Photo by Carl Widmann
organization’s revenue came
Significant programs and services initiated and/or supported by the from merchandise sales in the
Friends of Red Rock Canyon through the years include:
relatively new Visitor Center.
First Volunteer Awards Banquet Friends’ volunteers managed
The Desert Trumpet, Friends newsletter, begins publication
Up removing six tons of litter sales of the t-shirts and other
First Volunteer Manual created and distributed items in a very small corner of
Red Rock Canyon Interpretive Association founded the Visitor Center. The monthly First sales area in the original Visitor
Cooperative agreement regarding merchandise sales established with Red Rock newsletter, The Desert Trumpet, Center
Canyon Interpretive Association. This agreement was terminated in 2014 contained synopses of business Photo from Friends Archives
Visitor Center opens seven days a week, facilitated by volunteer staffing on the meetings, trail and site articles and book reviews.
Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area Dedication Ceremony With the creation of the 83,100-acre Red Rock Canyon National
Funded and installed Moenkopi Trail interpretive panels Conservation Area (RRCNCA), a bill signed by President Bush in
Tortoise Habitat is dedicated. Currently Friends volunteers manage all staffing 1990, FORRC’s mission expanded significantly. The organization
for care and maintenance, as well as providing visitor education for the Habitat. was still dedicated to the protection and enrichment of Red Rock,
Friends also provides the Tort Chow and other necessities.
Volunteer Appreciation Program implemented but financial contributions were increased for user education, partner
Secured funding from the Howard Hughes Corporation for trailhead signage development, habitat and cultural preservation.
Cultural Resource Team Monitoring, Documentation & Protection reestablished; Recognition of FORRC and its members has been frequent
to date, archival documentation on over 18 significant sites completed
throughout the years. In 1991, the Take Pride in America National
First permanent memorial for 9/11 Attack dedicated at Red Rock Canyon Awards Program recognized the
Friends funded the Lost Creek Boardwalk Natural Resource Committee. The
20th Anniversary of Friends of Red Rock Canyon Public Lands Institute also
Friends of Red Rock Canyon, the BLM and REI co-sponsor the first Make a honored the Natural Resource
Difference Day at Red Rock Canyon with 85 volunteers Committee as “Volunteer Group
New Visitor Center groundbreaking
Red Rock Canyon license plate issued — first charitable plate associated with a of the Year” in 2011. The Nation-
al Office of the BLM presented
Grand opening of the new Visitor Center the “Making a Difference on the
Inaugural issue of The Rock quarterly magazine published Willie Stephenitch receiving “Making Public Lands” award in 2002 to
Graffiti Removal Team reestablished a Difference on Public Lands” award Chuck and Pat Williams, to Willie
Landscape Team reestablished after a 6-year hiatus in May 2004 Stephenitch in 2004, and to the
Photo from Friends Archives
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