Page 13 - FINAL fall 2014 magazine
P. 13

By Doyle Wayman

            Each and every Friends of Red Rock Canyon mem-      a conversation allowing communication and the
        ber is a special person, all of whom have the same      exchange of information about the Canyon with our
        reason for becoming a Friend of Red Rock Canyon.          guests and visitors.
        Specifically, our mission is the preservation, protec-      The “Ask Me” program is not a formal effort to
        tion and enrichment of Red Rock Canyon National         direct and guide a visitor around the Canyon but only
        Conservation Area. Friends members are committed        a method of starting a conversation or just providing a
        to protecting the environmental integrity of the Can-   “welcome” that we should extend to all of our visitors.
        yon and helping visitors enjoy their visit responsibly.
                                                                Wearing the armband while hiking, visiting or volun-
            Since we know who we are and why we’re here,        teering in Red Rock Canyon, or even in the city, will
        let’s commit to spreading the word and generating       hopefully become the catalyst to begin an exchange of
        new interest for our visitors, locals and beyond. The   information.
        “Ask Me” program is pretty simple and every Friends         Our intent is to provide each Friends member with
        volunteer or member can participate. It’s all about     an armband and instructions on how to use it or even a
        communication - talking about what the Canyon of-       work session to those who are interested in actively
        fers in a variety of ways that all visitors to the Canyon   promoting it.
        can experience.
                                                                    Just ask me if you’d like to help promote our great
            The tool to identify a Friends member will be a red   organization and this beautiful Canyon.
        armband that simply says “Ask Me.” A Friends
        member wearing the armband opens the possibility of        

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