Page 7 - Prezentacja programu PowerPoint
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Telemedico offers comprehensive telemedicine solutions for insurance and assistance companies.
We are a highly specialized company that provides services in the field of medical consultations
at the highest level using three access channels: chat, video and telephone.
• 35 companies cooperating in 8 countries
• We provide services in 7 languages
• 88% successful medical consultations
• 6 years of market success
• 50,000 consultations / month
Benefits of cooperation:
• Online consultation 40-60% cheaper than visiting a doctor's office
• Access to high-quality medical services anywhere in the world
• An integrated, fully customizable white-label solution
• A multifunctional telemedicine platform with an intuitive screen for patients and doctors
• 24/7 access to general practitioners and specialists, consultations available within 5 min
• Technology supported by artificial intelligence and machine learning
• Main Prize in the "NEW TECH, NEW TRAVEL" competition
• WSA 2017 "Best and most innovative digital solution in country" award
• Third place in the 2015 Leader competition in the Medicine and Pharmacy category of Gazeta Bankowa
• PayU Lab Award - a special distinction in the eRising Star category
• 20th place in the "50 most creative in business" ranking of CEO
Beata Gosławska Paweł Sieczkiewicz
Social media Website Catalog
Dyrektor ds. rozwoju CEO
+48 609 452 263 +48 697 131 479