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Biomed is biotechnological company that specializes in production of vaccines and probiotics. Our innovative
preparations containing metabolites of probiotic bacteria are used in wide range of Biomed products, providing
them unique terapeutical properties without application of artificial chemical substances.
Our goal is to improve people’s quality of everyday life by offering high quality natural products.
Biomed has a various portfolio in the following treatment areas:
• Vaccines – key provider to National Immunisation Program in Poland
• Gynecology – medicinal product Lactovaginal is a market leader among vaginal probiotics in Poland
• Alimentary tract – Lactoral IBD, popular probiotic to establish proper gut microbiota and Immuno Plus which
works as a booster of body immune system
• Respiratory tract – innovative line of throat sprays called Lactoangin for treatment of sympthoms of upper
respiratory tract infections
• Food allergy – Latopic product line with unique conception where probiotic in capsules is used in combination
with cosmetics to treat sympthoms of food allergy
• Oral Rehydration Solution – Orsalit is a complex range of ORS prepared according to guidlines of WHO and
We see the gratest potential in developmnet of gynecological product line as well as popularisation of ORS
administration in case of body dehydration. Biomed is European Union based producer with own GMP certified
facility. This gives a guarantee of providing high quality premium products.
Jarosław Kuroś
Website Catalog
Export Manager
+48 605 512 553