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KCM Clinic - as a family owned Hospital our focus since we started in 2006 was the international patient. With
a very comprehensive approach we continuously improve our patients treatment results, satisfaction and
experience. Furthermore to the excellent patients personal service we are positioning our Hospital among very
specialized medical fields - to find here below. We are the Center of excellence for Olympus, OttoBock,
Medtronic, Zimmer-Biomet and J&J. We recently have been accredited by BUPA from the UK also.
KCM Clinic specialized and is considered as the Center of Excellence in following fields:
• Weight loss surgery - KCM Clinic Weight Loss Center - Ranked nr.1 out of 208 Hospitals by GCR (Global Clinic Rating)
• Gynecology - Center of infertility surgery - Ranked nr.1 out of 9182 Hospitals by GCR
• Plastic surgery - KCM Plastic Surgery Center
• Minimal invasive spine surgery - KCM Spine Clinic - Ranked nr.3 out of 1412 Hospitals by GCR
• Spinal Cord Stimulation therapy and DBS therapy
• Rehabilitation – neurologic, orthopaedic, RTA rehabilitation, urologic - that is performed in our Rehab Center
• Orthopedics - KCM Orthopaedic Center
The growth of Medical Tourism is very demanding, and Poland as a Country is growing as a Medical Tourism
destination. According to analyst from Allied Market Research the estimated size of medical tourism market will
increase from 61,172 billion USD (2016) to 165,345 USD (2023). With the price to value ratio of Polish medicine
we are the perfect spot for two biggest group of Patients - the ones looking for better, cheaper and faster access
to medical treatment then they can find in their country (example - UK), or the ones traveling abroad for medical
help which is not available in their country or Continent - Africans for example. KCM Clinic focus and ling time
credo is not only providing minimal invasive treatment to Patients arriving to Poland, but also brining modern
medicine to developing countries, where Kenya is slowly becoming our Flagship Project.
Dominik Pasler Philip Pasler
Social media Website Catalog
International Patient Director Member of the Board
+48 533 375 353 +48 535 098 999