Page 16 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 16

%% 11.11 hitPackard realized that it was at a competitive
                 ingloba 1 markets beca use bureaucratic require-

!' wilt.. were nv the product development process, it re-
(1(...iroied its organizational structure to speed up product

Surviving and prospering in business have never been easy.
There are always problems to be solved and opportunities
to be taken advantage of. But during the next few years,
from. now through the first decade of the 21st century, busi-
ness organizations, their managers, and their other employ-
ees will be confronted with a number of strategic challenges
unmatched in business history. The primary challenges are
these: 5

  1. Every facet of business is changing at an
       accelerating rate.

  2. Competition is increasing.
  3. Business is becoming increasingly global

       in scope.
  4. New technologies are being introduced at

       a breathtaking rate.

  5. The composition of the
       work force is changing, as
       are its members' values and

  6. There are increas-
       ing shortages of re-
       sources ranging
       from water to
       skilled employees.

  7. The U.S. economy is
       being transformed from an industrial
       economy to one based on knowledge and in-

       Market and economic conditions throughout
       the world are extremely unstable.
    . Constituents, such as shareholders and environ-
       mentalists, are making greater demands on the
 10. Not only is the business environment changing rapidly,
       but it is becoming much more complex.
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