Page 20 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 20
menihers levels of personal and group'
ss III 111)1 he able to cope with the ten strategic Lila I-
1, lent 1 f ied earlier, nor will it be able to solve its other
)1, , h1t.nls as well as it might otherwise. It won't have the
products it needs to sur-
Iv(' and prosper.
VITTEoko.Sv How the 4 P'S Fit
Together with Creativity
and Innovation
Creativity can be increased both by learning techniques (pro-
cesses) and by increasing personal and group creativity. If
these occur within the right organizational culture (possi-
bilities), the result is innovation, as shown in Figure 1.1.
Figure 1.1 How the Four Ps Relate to Each Other
Creativity Organizational Culture Innovation
Processes (Techniques) Possibilities Product
Personal and Group 4 Types of Innovation:
Product, Process,
Marketing, Management
The Product
The product is the result of the creation/innovation process.
It can be a physical product, a service, or an enhancement to
these; a process for increasing effectiveness and/or efficiency;
a more innovative approach to marketing, or a better way to
manage. To be a true creative product it must have value
and not just be original. To be innovative, it must have sig-
nificant value.