Page 235 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 235

M,%ttin nn c, Bryan VV             O                                               101
      57, 113, 114, 182, 183,                                                (REATIVU
                                   O'Boyle, Thomas I'. 27, 128                PROBLEM
MBA students 28                    Okamoto, Akira 159                         SOLVIN6
McCune, Jenny C. 113               Oliver°, Magaly 113, 114, 182           TECHNiotil
McDaniel, Reuben R., Jr. 183       Olympians 202
McDonalds Corporation 25           opportunity                               219
McElnea, Jeffrey 123
McKinsey & Company 15, 200, 203       circle of 71
McNellis, Jerry 162, 183              searches 38
Ivlendelow, Aubrey L. 183          organizational culture 6
metaphors 62. See analogie. : and  organizational cuture 7-8
                                   organized random search 91
      metaphores                   original 3
Michalko, Michael 57, 113          origination 3
Miller, Karen Lowry 33, 181        Orren, Lowell H. 183
mind mapping 87-89                 Osborn, Alex 107, 108, 118, 181
Mindlink 72                        Osborn verbal checklist 94, 108. See
Mintzberg, Henry 208
Mitchell, Edgar 114                      also checklist: Osbourn's verbal
Mitsubishi brainstorming method
Mitsubishi Resin 146               patterns 51
Mobasheri, Fred 183                personal
monitor weak signals 37
Moore, Martha T. 33, 56               creativity 8. See also "four Ps"
Morita, Akio 42                    personal and group creativity 8. See
Morphological analysis 147
Mortia, Akito 57                         also "four Ps"
Moskal, Brian S. 111               Peters, Thomas J. 15
music                              Phillips 66 154
                                   Phillips, Don 154
   listening to 86                 photo excursion 154
Music Man, The 41                  picture stimulation 93
Myers, Rochelle 113                Pike, Helen 15
                                   pin card technique 155
N                                  Pinchot III, Gifford 201
                                   Placek, David J. 181
Naj, Amal Kumar 15                 Port, Otis 57
naming possible uses 90-91         Porter, Michael E. 15, 80, 113
Napoleon technique 91              possibilities 7. See also "four Ps"
NASA 61, 138                       Pounds, William F. 57
natural resources 70               Prince, Frank 24
Neimark, Jill 89, 114              Prince, George M. 183
Nelson, Todd S. 39                 Pringle's 75
networks 37                        problem identification. See Identify-
NHK method 149
no-special-treatment reflex 202           ing the Problem
Noack and Dean Insurance Agency    problem recognition. See Recognizing

       176                                a Problem
Noack, Kenneth B. 183              problem statement 53
Nolan, Sarah M. 205                process innovation 9
nominal group technique 150-153
                                      example of 14
   experience with 153             processes 8. See also "four Ps"
   observations on 152
Nonaka, Ikujiro 113                   quick guide 209
Nordstrom 1                        Proctor, R. A. 183
Norwegian Oil & Gas 158            product 6. See also "four Ps"
Norwegian Oil and Gas
   scenerio planning diagram 157       improvement checklist 94
                                   product innovation 9

                                       example of 12, 13
                                   product strength 190
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