Page 233 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 233

Fox, William N1. 183                                       ank                        101

live association 64, M2                  miscellaneous 163                        CREATIVE
fresh eye 84                            other 163                                  SOLVINC,
                                        purpose 163                             TECMNIQUI
Frey, Don 206                           topic 163
Frito-Lay 23                         Hellriegel, Don 182                          2,17
futurists 37                         Hequet, Marc 24, 113
                                     Herman Miller, Inc. 11, 73
G                                    Hess, Charles 89
                                     Hewlett, William P. 15
gallery method 139                   Hewlett-Packard 2
General Electric 42, 85, 189         Higgins, James M.
General Foods 28
General Mills 26                           15, 33, 57, 114, 181, 190, 195, 206
Generating Alternatives              Hirsch, James S. 14
                                     Hof, Robert D. 15
   computer software for 72          Holt, Knut 182
   group processes for 118           Honda 25, 62, 123
   individual techniques for 61-110  how-how diagram 191-192
   my favorite techniques 112        Howard, N.A. 181
   stage of CPS 24                   Husch, Tony 40, 57
Geschka, Horst 182, 183              Hymowitz, Carol 128
Gillette 92
Glasman, Edward 182                  idea
Glassman, Edward 114                    attractiveness 187
Colin, Mark 113                         bits and racking 84
Gordon, William 140                     board 142
Gordon, William J.J. 177, 183           compatibility 187
Gordon/Little technique 140             establishing sources for 78, 101
Grant, James 113                        notebook 84
Greenbrier 199                          selling 191
Gregory, Carl E.                        triggers 142

      33, 84, 102, 113, 148, 182     Idea Generator Plus 72
Greschka, Horst 181                  IdeaFisher 72
Grinder, John 181                    Ideagen 72
group                                ideas

   advantages/disadvantages of          screening 186
      group descision making 116        screening matrix for 187
                                        selling 196
   approaches to recognizing         IdeaScope 44
       problems 43                   Identifying the Problem
                                        stage of CPS 21
   brainstorming 119                    techniques for 43-54
   creativity 8. See also "four P's  Implementation
   decision support systems 140         stage of CPS 26
group leader                            techniques for 191
   role of in brainstorming 120      implementation
   role of in storyboarding 172         additional advice 198
group secretary                      Incentive 153
   role of in brainstorming 120      industrial revolution 2
   role of in storyboarding 172      Inferential Focus 89
Grove, Andrew 1                      Ingber, Dina 208
Gryskiewicz, Stan S. 182             innovate or evaporate 3
guide                                Innovate or Evaporate: Test and
   to processes 209
Gustafson, D.H., 182                        Improve Your Organization's
                                            IQ—Its Innovation Quotient 8

Hall, Lea 114, 181
Hall, Trish 33
Handley, Cathy 24
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