Page 228 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 228

2S ‘iII).11 analogies               To get people more personally itivulved in
                                    the problem

26 Picture stimulation              Uses visualization to improve insight

27 Product improvement checklist (PICL) Create new products/services, improve
                                                               old ones

28 Relatedness                      Generating lots of ideas fast, similar to

29 Relational words                 Artistic efforts, writing, or product name/

30 Reversal—dereversal              Problems you don't seem to be making
                                    much headway on

3I Rolling in the Grass of Ideas    When lots of ideas, concepts are needed
                                    to produce new insights

32 7 X 7 technique                  Organizing your ideas, complex problems

33 Sleeping/dreaming on it          Complex or simple problems, generates
                                    alternatives/opportunities through

34 Two words technique              Simple problems where new insights are

35 Using the computer to stimulate  Applying many of the above techniques
      creativity                    with software

36 Verbal checklist for creativity  Create new products/services, improve
                                    existing ones

37 Visualization                    When you need to "see" the problem
                                    better. Can be used with other processes.
                                    Offers new insights

38 What if                          Strategic planning; complex or simple
                                    problems, scenario forecasting


     Brainstorming                  Generating numerous alternatives; simple

     Brainwriting                   Alternative to brainstorming

     Brainwriting pool              Alternative to brainstorming

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