Page 227 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 227

"Back to the sun         Focused association
      Circle of opportunity
      Computer programs        Changing product or service, when a new
                               approach is needed
I0 Deadlines
      Direct analogies         Complex problems. Computer programs
                               generally lead you through CPS stages,
12 Establish idea sources      offer suggestions. Some enhance
I3 Examine it with the senses  processes such as brainstorming
14 FCB grid
15 Focused-object              To put pressure on to increase creativity
16 Fresh eye
17 Idea bits and racking       To transfer knowledge from one field to
18 Idea notebook               another
19 Input-Output
20 Listening to music          Find sources which can offer solutions
21 Mind mapping
                               New insights, complex or simple problems,
22 Name possible uses          focused association
23 The Napoleon technique
24 Organized random search     Positioning products

                               Similar to association and forced
                               relationship techniques

                               When insiders are having trouble seeing
                               the forest for the trees

                               Organizing your ideas, complex problems

                               Recording ideas for later reference

                               Engineering, operations management;
                               generates a number of possible solutions

                               Generating alternatives/opportunities
                               through subconscious

                               Generate new ideas, identify all issues and
                               subissues to a problem, develop intuitive

                               Generating new uses for a product

                               Gaining totally new insights, when other
                               techinques have failed

                               Simple ways to get new thoughts

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