Page 225 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 225


A Quick Guide to the Processes

PROCESS:                           BRIEF DESCRIPTION
                                   AND/OR BEST USED FOR:


Comparisons against others:        Highly competitive strategic situations
benchmarking, best practices,      for finding quality/cost problems
race against phantom competitors

2 Hire futurists, consultants      When an outside view will help, when you
                                   don't have the manpower or funds for
                                   internal effort

3 Monitor weak signals             Identifying weak signals in the market,
                                   strategic scanning, strategic issue

4 Opportunity searches             New situations, new applications of current
                                   knowledge, strategic situations


I Camelot                          To make sure problems haven't been
                                   overlooked, uses an idealized situation

2 Checklists                       Finding problem with existing products/
                                   services/operations; developing
                                   promotional ideas

3 Inverse brainstorming            When routine techniques haven't suggested
                                   many problems

4 Limericks and parodies           When straightforward approaches haven't
                                   produced many problems or insights, to
                                   add humor

5 Listing complaints               Looking for internal or customer problems

6 Responding to someone else       When someone else offers opportunities
                                   or problems

7 Role playing                     Group, personal insights into simple and
                                   complex problems, especially good for
                                   interpersonal and customer relations

8 Suggestion programs              Systematic problem recognition when
                                   employee participation is sought

9 Workouts and other               Complex problems where group inputs
       work group/team approaches  and team building are important.
                                   Workouts are best used at a retreat

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