Page 224 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 224
Let me close by emphasizing the importance of consciously
planning to use these techniques. These techniques are ex-
tremely helpful, but only if you use them. Read them first,
then formulate a plan to use them and integrate them into
your problem-solving efforts, those of your work group, and
if possible, those of the rest of your organization. Be com-
mitted to using them.
Weston Agor. "The Logic of Intuition: How Top Executives Make Important Decisions,"
Organizational Dynamics (Winter 1986), pp. 5-18; Dina Ingber, "Inside the Executive Mind,"
Success (January 1984), pp. 33-37; Daniel Coleman, "Success for Executives Relies on Own
Kind of Intelligence," New York Times (July 13, 1984), pp. C1, C2; and Henry Mintzberg,
"Planning on the Left Side, Managing on the Right," Harvard Business Review (July-August
1976), pp. 49-58.