Page 229 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 229
Brainwriting 6-3-5 Alternative to brainstorming
Creative imaging Complex problems, uses visualization
Creative leap Complex problems where major results
are needed, includes imaging
Creativity circles Complex or simple problems where group
input is desired, expansion of quality circle
Crawford slip method Going beyond brainstorming; complex
Delphi technique Complex problems to be solved by expert
10 Excursion technique Problems which other techniques have not
solved, great for new perspectives
II The gallery method Using visuals to prompt brainstorming
12 The Gordon/Little technique Good for stepping back from the problem
13 Group decision support systems Using computer hardware and software to
aid group decision process
14 Idea board Non-urgent problems, similar to gallery
method without time constraints
15 Idea triggers Getting people involved in the issue
16 Innovation committee Complex or simple problems, like
creativity circles
17 Intercompany innovation groups Where other outside firms can help,
popular in Europe and gaining popularity in
18 Lions den Two teams, one presents problems to the
other to generate solutions
19 The lotus blossom technique Complex or simple problems, especially
good for developing strategic scenarios
20 The Mitsubishi brainstorming method Brainstorming w/mapping for complex
21 Morphological analysis Changing product or service