Page 234 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 234

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        management. Sec management       Kitano, Mikio 21
                                         Knospe, Robert I I. 181
        marketing. See marketing         Knowlton, Christopher
            innovation                   Koberg, Dan 57, 113
                                         Koolaid 28
        politics of 199-204              Krone, Robert M. 181
        process. See process innovation  Kuczmarski, Thomas D. 199, 204
        product. See product innovation
     innovation committee 142            L
     Innovative Edge in Action
        American Express 205             Labish, Kenneth 115
        Banc One 13                      Larsen, Ralph 1
        Chrysler Corporation 111         Latamore, G. Berton 113
        Continental Bank 39              Lawrence, Sandra 92
        Dillard Department Stores 127    Learning Methods Group 87
        Eaton Corporation 27             Lederer, Albert L. 183
        Federal Express 55               Leng, Tan Leng, 182
        Frito-Lay 23                     Leven, Michael 59
        Herman Miller, Inc. 73           Levy, Steven 33
        Politics of Innovation 199       Lewin, Kurt 194, 206
        RICOH Corporation 159            Lewyn, Mark 114
        Steelcase Company 11             Liebowitz, S. Jay, 183
     input-output 85                     limericks and parodies 40
     Intel 1                             Lion's Den 143
     intercompany innovation group 143   Lisenmeyer, Adrienne 33
     International Paper Company 121     listing. See also checklist
     Intuit 142
     intuition 207                          attributes 67
     Invention Machine, The 72              complaints 41
     Ishikawa diagram. See fishbone         possible uses 90
                                            related businesses and products 95
           diagram                       Little, Arthur D. 15, 140
     Ishikawa, Kaoru 45                  Little, Carol 128
                                         Lockheed 42
     J                                   Loftier, Lawrence F., Jr. 183
                                         lotus blossom technique 144
     Japan Broadcasting Company 149      Lucas, George 41
           123, 124, 131, 144, 146, 180
     Johnson & Johnson 1                 Majaro, Simon
     Johnson, Peter T. 37, 57                  57, 181, 183, 187, 188, 189, 206
     Johnston, Robert Wayne 114
     judge 193                           Making Assumptions
                                            stage of CPS 22
     K                                      techniques for 54

     Kane, Thomas 61                     management
     Kange, Steve 142                       selling ideas to 191-198, 199-204
     Kawakita, Jiro 179
     Kelkule, Friedrick August 104       management innovation 9
     Keller, Glenda 199                     example of 11, 14
     Keng, Kau Ah 182
     Kennedy, Carol 181                  management problems
     Kepner, Charles 33, 43, 57             dealing with 41
     Kerwin, Robert 181
     Kiam, Victor 15, 41, 57             market potential 190
     Kiechel III, Walter 204             marketing innovation 9
     Kimberly-Clark 25
                                            example of 12, 14
                                         Martin, Joelle 89
                                         Matsumura, Yasuo 144
                                         Matsumura Yasuo (MY) method. See

                                               lotus blossom technique

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