Page 236 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 236

Q                                                   Mitsiiko

quality circles 131                 till, method 160
                                    similes 63. See analogic,
Rabinowitz, Leonard 128
Ralston, W.K. 157                   Sink, S. Scott 183
Ray, Michael 113
Recognizing a Problem               Sioshansi, Fereidoon P. 183

   stage of CPS 21                  Skagen, Anne 57
   techniques for 38-43             sleeping on it 104
redefine a problem 48               Slocum, John W. 182
Reingold, Edwin M. 57               Smith, Douglas 29
relatedness 95                      Smith, Emily T. 114
relational words 95-100             Smith, Geoffrey 57
Remillard, Ron 182                  Soloman, Charlene Marmer 113
responding                          Sony 42
   to someone else 41               Soule, James C. 12
retreats 42                         Southern Bell 123
reversal-dereversal 100             squeeze and stretch 49
rewrite objectives 49               Stanley, Michael 89
Rice, Berkeley 113                  Star Wars 41
RICOH 159                           Statta, Ray 15
Robeson, James F. 182               Steelcase Company 10, 11
rock-hard controls 201              Stein, Morris I. 183
Rockwell Hanford Operations 176     Stevenson, Robert Louis 104
Rodelsky, Peter 113                 Stewart, Thomas A. 15, 57
Rogers, Michell 114                 Stokke, P.R. 157
role playing 41                     Stone, Judith 57, 114
rolling in the grass of ideas 101   story board
Rollins College 122
Rosenfeld, Anne H. 114                 diagrams 164, 165, 166, 167
Rowan, Roy 114                         personal 175
Royal Dutch Shell Oil Company 20       selling ideas 196
                                    storyboarding 161-176
S                                      communications story board 170
                                       experience with 174
Saffo, Paul 182                        history of 161-162
scenario writing 155-160               ideas story board 169
Schilder, Jana 12                      materials 172
Schoemaker, Paul J. H. 183             observations on 176
screening matrix for ideas 187-189     organization story board 169
                                       overview of 162
   complex 188                         personal 174
Sculley, John 15                       planning story board 168
search                                 types of sessions 171
                                    strategic challenges 2
   opportunity. See opportunity:    suggestion programs 42
      searches                      sun, back to the 70
                                    Swasy, Alecia 33
   organized random. See Organized  synectics 177
      Random Search                 Synectics Consulting Company 199
                                    Szewczak, Edward J. 183
Seltzman, Kent 57
senses                              T

   examine problem with 78          Takahashi, Hiroshi 149
seven by seven (7x7) technique 102  take five 178
seven Ss 7                          task force
Sheridan, John A. 12
Shields, J.T. 182                      as set up 201
                                       dummy 200
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