Page 192 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 192
Step 9. Find and Sell to Buyers 1 85
Once you fill out the forms a few times, you get used to it. Like
e-mail. it.s fast, efficient , and you can access it from anywhere .
Before you sign up for ED!, ask the buyer if his order is just a
"testing" of your product. If so, it will most likely be too costly to set
up ED! , so ask if they could just fax the initial testing orders. Then
say that if they proceed to actually add your line in more stores, you
will implement ED!.
H ow to Fill Orders
When you receive a purchase order via ED!, fax, e-mail, or phone, cele
brate your accomplishment. Congratulations! Your next steps will be:
1. Note the purchase order in a log so you can keep track of
orders (when they are issued, shipped, and invoiced). This
system will help you monitor how often certain accounts
order so you can better manage your inventory. Confirm
receipt of the order and let them know when you will ship.
2. Physically fill the order-pull it from your inventory and
recheck to be sure it is correctly filled before moving on.
3. Use your software program to create an invoice. Send the
invoice separately by mail or e-mail.
4. Prepare the packing slip (which details the contents of the
shipment). Put it in its envelope and tape it to the box.
5. Pack the order in the box. Be sure you have all necessary
delivery information on the box.
6. Ship it. Either your carrier will pick it up at your "office,"
or you will mail it, with delivery confirmation so that it's
7. Get paid, either by credit card or check if the account is on
Net 30 terms.
As your business takes off, ful filling orders will become second
nature to you. And with luck, you'll become so big an operation that
you need a warehouse to do it for you .