Page 82 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 82


      manufacture your idea
             into a product

     I have not failed, I havefound lO,OOO ways that don't work.
                                                                                           -HT OMAS EDISON

When people tell you how they brought a product to the market­
place, no one seems to discuss in detail how they actually got it
manufactured. Everybody has a unique way of finding their manu­
facturing sources; often their journey takes one step forward, two
steps back, over and over, until the issue is figured out. To find a
great manufacturer, you'll need to do research, test materials, make
phone calls, and be resourceful. There is no one formula for finding
a manufacturer-you will have to find your own way through that

maze based on your particular needs. But I'm here to say you will be

able to do it and it will be a rewarding learning experience.

           G oal s as You Enter the M anufac turing Phase
Before we go on, let's outline our goals for this step in the process.

       1. Figure out how to make your product.
       2. Learn and understand exactly which materials are best

           suited for your product and why.
       3. Make a prototype and test it.

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