Page 87 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 87

78 Your Idea, I nc.

                               The Thomas Register

    Begin by searching in the manufacturing industry's bible, the

Thomas Register. This trusted series of books, now available online,

is like the encyclopedia of manufacturing companies in the United
States. It has been around for more than 100 years and should be
your first step as you research domestic manufacturing.

   Visit and begin searching for what you need

based on your rough sample. What if you don't know what mate­
rials you need? Just use the categories (such as automotive, elec­

tronics , hardware, chemicals, metals, plastics, rubber, and many

more) shown on the homepage-narrowing immediately that way
will make the task much easier. After navigating the site for just
fifteen minutes or so, you will have a better idea of where to begin

    (A note: Although the Thomas Register lists U.S. companies,

I have found that some companies do the majority of their produc­
tion overseas. Clarify the location of the company's main manufac­
turing faCility if that will make a difference to your product.)

                            Other Online Companies

    What if you find a company online that is not listed in the

Thomas Register? You can research its reputation by asking the com­

pany for references and checking out the company's listing with the

Better Business Bureau, available at You can review

how many customers filed complaints and whether the dispute was

                                   Research on Foot

    You can find manufacturing companies online, but if possible,
I recommend you visit the plant, meet the plant manager, and begin
to develop a relationship. There is something to be said for physi­
cally observing all aspects of manufacturing and having a face-to­
face meeting with the person who could be responsible for bringing
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