Page 85 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 85

76 Your Idea, Inc.

 • National Specialty Gift Association (gift basket industry):
 • Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association:
 • Toy Industry Association: www.
 • Travel Goods Association:

                              Finding M anufacturer s

You'll need to use several research methods to find your manufac­
turer. How much time you spend with each method will depend
on what you need, how much time you have, and where you live.
A well-balanced research job will likely yield the most productive

                                          Referra ls

    The best way to find a reliable manufacturing source may be by a
referral from a colleague, another manufacturer, or a trade organiza­
tion or association. A referral usually implies a sense of responsibil­
ity and it puts the contractors on notice that you will be reporting
back to that referral about your satisfaction with their performance.
Look for manufacturers' advertisements in trade magazines. While
an ad doesn't necessarily mean the publication is endorsing that
company's work, it may at least be a starting point. First try to get a
referral from a source whose work you appreciate and whose opin­
ion you trust.

                                       The Internet

    The Internet is the easiest and fastest resource for finding mate­
rials and manufacturing. The good news: You'll find a huge number
of manufacturers. The bad news: You'll find a huge number of man­
ufacturers. How do you tell the good from the bad, the reputable
from the fly-by-night companies? It's not always easy.
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