Page 84 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 84

Step 5: Manufacture You r Idea into a Product  75

                              Make You r First Sample

You have described your idea in writing, sketched it, discussed it,
and thought long and hard about it-now you need to make it.
With your first sample (and this really depends on your specific
product), try to make it yoursel f to the best of your ability. It doesn't
need to be perfect, just good enough for you to get a sense of how
it will look. This may involve hand-cutting some materials and
rough-looking finishes, but that's okay-you just want to see how it
looks as it comes to life. This sample will help you figure out which
materials you need , how much of each material, and how they will
be bound together. With this information, you can begin searching
for manufacturers who can provide what you need.

million­  Every industry has associations you can use a s resources for
 dollar   ne'tw()rkl;na referrals, and information on issues that affect

TIP               industry. These associations usually represent and pro­
          mote the i nterests of their specific group. Some associations
          may be local for a specific region only and some associations
          are formed with a national presence and may or may not
          have local chapters.

    Some big associations that may help as a starting point depend­
ing on your product are:

 • Consumer Electronics Association:
 • Craft and Hobby Association: www.hobby. org
 • Game Manufacturers Association:
 • International Housewares Association:
 • International Music Products Association:
 • International Spa Association:
 • National Association for the Specialty Food Trade:

    www.specialtyfood. com
 • National Confectioners Association:
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