Page 83 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 83

74 Your Idea, Inc.

4. Find a company that can produce small runs initially, at a
    fair price, in an appropriate time frame (and is also capable
    of offering discounts for larger quantities in the future).

5. Familiarize yourself with governmental regulations.
6. Figure out your product's packaging.

          Lis t the Physical Components of Your Product

It is helpful to look at the individual components of your product.
For example the list for my gloves would look like this:

Components of Moisture Jamzz Moisture Gloves

• Fabric          • Fabric sewing

• Glove pattern   • Inner care label

• Fabric cutting  • Packaging

    We'll spend more time on elements of this list in this chapter­
for example, fabric-so you'll want to know what you need.

--- ---.------'-----

           So �aJ1. fOUr

Leon Leonwood (L. L.) Bean was an outdoorsman looking for a
better-quality h u nting boot i n 1 91 1 . He made a pair for himself
and he knew others would appreciate the boot, so he adver­
tised it in a mai ler for outdoor h i kers. He sold 1 00 p a i rs of his
new boots, g ua ranteei n g their qua lity. U nfortu n ately, the shoe's
bottom sepa rated from the shoe and n i n ety of those 1 00 pairs
were returned. Bean knew he had a great idea with these special
shoes, but he needed to pe rfect the man ufactu ring. He made
the necessary i mprovements and continued to sell the shoes as
well as other outdoor products. I nstead of fizzli n g out at the first
sign of a problem, Bean forged ahead and built a reputation for
quality products and excellent customer service.
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