Page 92 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 92

Step 5: M anufacture Your Idea into a Product  83

     Manufacturing issues are complex and every entrepreneur's situ­
ation is di fferent. Research the options just as you would for an
American company and make an educated decision. Then continue
to monitor and have alternative plans should things not work out.

                        Pros of Domestic Manufacturing

     Whenever possible, I highly recommend staying in the United
States with your manufacturing. First, to support our economy, and
second, for a more hands-on role in your manufacturing. You can
also meet deadlines easier (because you do not have to build in
shipping time) and can deal with manufacturing headaches (such
as issues with quality control) more efficiently.

     Unless you are willing to be a frequent overseas traveler, you will
not know if there are children working in the manufacturing plant
or the number of hours or conditions that workers must endure.

It seems that once a month, we hear about the recall of
              product made in China. Whether it's the lead found

    kids' toys or the melamine poison in both dog food and
milk, none of it is good, neither for the victims nor for the
companies whose reputations have been damaged. (Just
think of how much liability insurance you'd need to deal with
the 54,000 people sickened by that tainted milkl) Both the
United States and China have recognized the need for more
oversight and regulations, but the change will not happen
ovemight. If you use overseas manufacturing, make it your
top priority to be sure your product meets all necessary
American regulations.

                        Pros of Manufacturing Overseas

    Clearly, price is the most obvious benefit of using an overseas
manufacturer. Because labor costs are so much less in many other
countries, they can offer you a very competitive price. Also, many
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