Page 220 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 220

Index                          189

Earhart, Amelia, 41           How to Write Advertising That
Educating people about              Sells (Bedell), 68

      business, 30–31         Hypnotic commands,
Eisenhower, Dwight                  112, 123

      David, 35               Hypnotic Writing (Vitale), 46
Emotion, using, 116–118
Erickson, Milton, 46          Immortality, giving, 24
Expert, becoming, 36–38       Indirect approach, 114–115
                              Information age, 9
Gasoline nobody knows, 29     Introduction, eliminating,
Ghostwriting, 81
Giving self away, 79–85             167, 170
Goal, setting and meeting,    Isuzu, 91

      144–145                 Jacobs, Jonathan, 50–52
God to lead them, using,      James C. Penney

      35–41                         Foundation, 143
The Golden Rule, 139, 140     J.C. Penney Company,
Greeley, Horace, 90
                                    Inc., 140
Hartunian, Paul, 146          Jesus, Barton on, 24–25,
                                    45–46, 163, 172
   Berea College letter       Johns, William, 161
      and, 105–106            Johnson, Doug, 38–39
                              The Joy of Service (McCann),
   writing, 167, 169
Hogan, Kevin, 146                   36, 40
Honesty, 63–74, 120
Hoover, Herbert, 35           Karmic marketing, 147
Hopkins, Claude, Scientific    Kennedy, Dan, 121, 129

      Advertising, 31         Landon, Michael, 94
Houston, Jean, 46             Letter, for Jacobs, 50–52.
Howe, Elias, 17
How to Make Your Advertising        See also Berea College,
                                    solicitation letter for
      Make Money              Lincoln, Abraham, 23, 38, 90
      (Caples), 154           Lusitania, 28, 179
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