Page 219 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 219

188 Index

Bedell, Clyde, How to Write       Calkins, Earnest Elmo, 83
      Advertising That Sells, 68  Caples, John, 25, 46–47,

Bedner, Robert, 66                      64, 154
Berea College, solicitation       Challenging self and others,

      letter for:                       57–60
   appeal in, 127–130             Collier, Robert, 109
   closing paragraph of,          Conwell, Russell, 23
                                  Coolidge, Calvin, 35, 82–83
      130–133                     The Copywriter’s Handbook
   emotion in, 116–118
   first paragraph of, 107–108           (Bly), 67
   first six paragraphs of,        Copywriting rules, 167–172
                                  Credit for work, getting,
   fourth paragraph of,                 74–75, 81
                                  Curiosity, as motivator, 107
   hook in, 119–122, 123–128      Daring to travel upward
   logic in, 118                        path, 57–60
   response to, 103–104
   salutation of, 105–106         David, Bruce, Mercenary
   second paragraph of,                 Marketing, 68–69

      108–109                     Decisions, sharpening,
   sincerity and, 67, 104,              93–94

      120–121                     Deerfield Academy, 67
   story told in, 115–119         Dominant relationship,
   text of, 69–74
   third paragraph of,                  setting up, 110–111
                                  Durstine, Roy:
Betty Crocker, 41                    Johns and, 161
Bly, Bob, 67, 154                    Making Advertisements and
Bonaparte, Napoleon, 53
Business:                               Making Them Pay, 66
                                     United War Workers
   educating people about,
      30–31                             Campaign and, 84
                                     U.S. Steel Corp. and, 23
   as hope of world, 6–7             See also Batten, Barton,
   as ultimate guru, 3–4
                                        Durstine, & Osborn
                                        (BBDO) agency
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