Page 54 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 54


   Bruce Barton dug deep to find out how a busi-
              ness served a global need or contributed to
the growth of the country.
   When he and Roy Durstine landed the United States
Steel Corporation account in 1935, Barton helped whip
up an ad that made history. He said Andrew Carnegie
“came to a land of wooden towns . . . and left a nation of
   This type of strategy changed the perspective of every-
one. People were no longer buying a product called
steel; they were supporting a mission to improve the
lifestyle of a nation.
   How does your business serve life? How do you con-
tribute to the improvement of lives?
   You have to look past the obvious. You may be run-
ning a hamburger stand. But are you just selling
burgers? Aren’t you doing something more—maybe
keeping people alive and healthy so they can enjoy their
lives more and be happier?

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