Page 70 - Effective Time Management Strategies
P. 70

Effective Time Management Strategies


In our new world of overburdened workloads,
multitasking has become a coined word
representing more achievement by performing
multiple tasks.

But multitasking requires multi- ASKING.
When is multitasking really effective?

With more techno-gadgets available than ever
before, multitasking has become the norm. A
common form of mutli-tasking, a business meeting
over lunch, accomplishes productive time during a
secondary time activity and can be greatly

Talking on the phone with a supplier while
simultaneously emailing a customer can be tricky
and detrimental. Talking on the phone, while
driving, can perilous.

Is your multitasking effective?
Most people do not perform either task as well
when multitasking. Ask yourself before trying to
perform two or more tasks at the same time.

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