Page 73 - Effective Time Management Strategies
P. 73

Effective Time Management Strategies

Chapter 5 The Cleanest Dirty Word -

Organizational Skills for SME’s

Are you working too hard because you just can’t
seem to get organized? Organizational skills are
perhaps the most undervalued trait of successful
business men and women. Today’s business
environment requires its leaders to manage the
incredible amount of information from different
sources they are inundated with each day and to be
able to process it effectively.

Organization must be addressed at both a
corporate and a personal level. The members of a
corporate team must be able to work well together,
plan ahead, and concentrate on one or two major
goals. They must communicate well by sharing
their schedules and updating both personal and
client contact information on a regular basis.

Workspaces must be organized in order for all
employees to have easy access to resources on an
as needed basis. If just one person does not re-file

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