Page 71 - Effective Time Management Strategies
P. 71

Effective Time Management Strategies

Make a list of all your multi-tasking activities. Look
at each one individually and compare your
effectiveness to performing each one solo.

Limit Incoming Attacks
Shut off your email notification and let your phone
go to voice mail. Take a fifteen minute break during
the day away from everything. Go for a walk around
the block without your cell phone or blackberry. Sit
outside on a park bench. Some place where you
can be completely uninterrupted for fifteen minutes.
Let your mind come to a halt. The renewed energy
from such a break can make you more effective
and less stressed.

Establish Rules for Your Time
When creating your schedule establish a set of
rules for your time. Turn off your cell phone during
secondary time, for example during dinner. Decide
when what and when you will not multitask. Set
blocks of time aside when you are unavailable to
people and devices.

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