Page 4 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 4

Chapter title here


Foreword                                        9
How to Use This Book                           11
      1. One Thing Worse Than a Rude Employee  14
      2. Bribe the Significant Other           15
      3. Involve the Family                    16
      4. Prospect With a Task Force            18
      5. Use Your People                       19
      6. Call Them Associates                  20
      7. If You Want Loyalty                   21
      8. Make Me Feel Important                22
      9. Strategic Partnerships                24
     10. Sell in Bunches                       25
     11. People-to-People Prospecting          26
     12. Birds of a Feather                    28
     13. Get Them on Your Own Turf             29
     14. Become a Joiner                       30
     15. Intentional Relationships             31
     16. Are You New or Recycled?              33
     17. Love That Loyalty                     34
     18. Develop a Clear Vision of Success     35
     19. Heroic Tales                          36
     20. Do You See What I See?                37
     21. Zero Defections                       38
     22. Turning Off Your Prospects            39
     23. Pushy Prospectors

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