Page 7 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 7

151 Quick Ideas to ... fill in blank  110
 85. Falling Out of the Dumb Tree              112
 86. Consider Name-Dropping                    113
 87. Freebies Are Hard to Turn Down            114
 88. Creative Advertising Can Work             115
 89. Claim Those Free Dollars                  116
 90. One Magic Question                        117
 91. Prospects Must Be a M-A-N                 118
 92. Yes, No, and Maybe                        120
 93. Bigger Is Better                          121
 94. Networking                                122
 95. One Size Fits All                         123
 96. All’s Fair in Love and War                124
 97. Do You Know What They Know?               125
 98. What Gets Repeated                        126
 99. Traditions Should Be Sacred               128
100. The Puppy Dog Lick                        129
101. Don’t Give Them a Reason                  130
102. What Is It You Sell?                      131
103. Everything Matters                        132
104. When Do You Need It?                      133
105. Lost Sales Mean Opportunities             134
106. Let Them Decide                           135
107. Forget Satisfied                          136
108. Perceptions of Value                      137
109. Prospecting with Hulk and Bulk            138
110. It’s All About Value                      139
111. How Much Does It Cost?                    140
112. Stack Up the Benefits                     141
113. What You Can Do                           142
114. How Much Is Your Price?                   143
115. The $10 Stupidity
116. Losing Their Luster

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