Page 5 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 5

151 Quick Ideas to ... fill in blank    40
24. Don’t Let the Fish Flop Away               42
25. Your Way or My Way                         43
26. Help, Don’t Sell                           44
27. The Power of Compliments                   46
28. Become a Yes Person                        47
29. Sell Your People First                     48
30. Fix the Problem                            49
31. People Are Funny                           50
32. Inspiring a New Hire                       51
33. Respect Their Time                         53
34. Targeting Your Prospect’s Interest         54
35. All Buyers Are Liars                       55
36. Brag, Brag, and Brag Some More             56
37. Pay Attention to Their Individual Needs    57
38. My Name’s Not Bud                          58
39. Beware of Agitators                        59
40. Label What Differentiates You              61
41. Do Something Different                     62
42. Be Creative                                63
43. Go In Naked                                64
44. Believe It or Not                          65
45. Try Something Different                    67
46. Customize, Customize, Customize            68
47. Little Things with Big Payoffs             69
48. Being Different                            70
49. Do What Others Don’t                       71
50. Learn From Chameleons                      73
51. Beware of First Appearances
52. Prospecting Requires Being a Super-Sleuth  74
53. Inspired Employees Lead to

     Dedicated Customers

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