Page 18 - March April 2021 TPA Journal
P. 18

performance, and proactive problem solving,          Therefore, the goal of increasing performance
        and these should be used to identify solutions to    and creating a professional culture with high
        problems affecting the individual, team, and         morale is a worthy challenge for any police
        agency’s organizational effectiveness (Phibbs,       agency (Phibbs, 2011). Officer motivation is the
        2011). An administration’s ability to effectively    level of intensity, commitment, and innovative
        communicate affirms an officer’s commitment          level that an agency’s personnel will apply to
        to the agency and supports the link between          their careers. In addition, discovering new and
        efficient operation and an officer’s initiative in   unique ways to motivate officers has become an
        performance.       A    two-way       flow    of     urgent challenge for many leaders.
        communication is 8 crucial in preserving an            Several emerging theories and methods for
        agency’s health and moving everyone toward           officer motivation range from monetary
        shared goals. In addition, police senior             incentives to increasing an officer’s involvement
        administration can assist by providing clear and     and ownership in the agency’s success.  The
        transparent communications.  The purpose of          most successful officer motivation efforts should
        this is to ensure that the department’s              concentrate on the officer beliefs regarding
        expectations and directions are filtered to the      what is valuable to them.  A large amount of
        front line officers.                                 organizations have found success by allowing
           Furthermore, communication from the               flexibility in job design and reward systems
        bottom of the agency provides critical               resulting in lower attrition rates, improved
        information regarding issues and assist in           morale, and increased performance.
        projecting and formulating solutions for the           Selecting the best leadership style for an
        evolving environment of the community.  A            agency is its own challenge. After accepting a
        breakdown of communication in either                 leadership position, an individual accepts
        direction will result in officers and teams losing   partial responsibility in guiding the agency with
        focus on short- and long-term individual and         their best ability. By nature, that responsibility is
        departmental goals. Moreover, personnel within       a top-down style of leadership, which includes
        a police organization will develop frustration       identifying goals and maintaining officer focus
        with policy makers and administrators.               on the department goals.  Therefore, a leader
           Every police agency strives to obtain high        should not direct or dictate every detail to the
        performing officers who consistently engage in       officer assigned the accomplishment of the
        the department’s success, thus creating a            goal.
        highly-motivated culture.  As the agency               Micromanaging is very harmful to a team’s
        institutes new innovative ideology at the highest    success. Often the greatest position for the
        ranks, the departmental culture will begin to        leader will prevent them from seeing all aspect
        change at the officer level (Phibbs, 2011). In       through on the ground level. Therefore, police
        addition, instant results are not realistic and      leaders should provide the best parameters for
        systematic changes will result in improved           their agency such as purpose, goals, and the
        effectiveness and changes in organization’s          preferred culture. Moreover, police leaders
        culture. The change needs to start with senior       should allow their officers to work within those
        leaders introducing action-oriented goals and        parameters to make decisions and accomplish
        identifying milestones along with metrics to         the mission (Lukens, 2016).
        measure both short- and long-term successes.           If an administration could look at the
           A front-line officer’s perception of the          advantages as well as the disadvantages of
        department will transform into reality over time.    supervision from the bottom up, they would see

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