Page 17 - March April 2021 TPA Journal
P. 17

specific style of policing to ensure the best        An agency should not solicit suggestions if it is
        results for the community in which they serve;       not prepared to implement at least some of the
        some agencies will focus more on crime               suggestions (de Vries, Jehn, & Terwel, 2011). If
        fighting as opposed to prevention (Phibbs,           it appears to the officer that administration is
        2011). Administration can then communicate           only trying to win points to improve morale
        goals via forecasting, and individual officers       and never intend to implement the individual’s
        and teams are encouraged to come up                  ideas, input from officers will come to a stop. In
        innovative solutions in order to obtain              a worst case scenario, an officer will become
        department and individual goals. How goals           frustrated, hostile, and uncooperative with
        are to be accomplished is decided on by the          fellow officers.  Allowing officers the
        teams, thus allowing officer ownership in            opportunity to voice their opinions can be a
        project development. It provides the lower           positive initiator for change.
        level officer with a vested interest into the          In addition, police work has become largely
        department.                                          focused on community and crime-prevention.
           An agency’s success will be impacted by the       This has placed a greater demand on selective
        selected officer’s ability to fit within the         activity and a higher commitment of police
        operation structure. Often, once hired, an           officers (Steinheider, &  Wuestewald, 2008).
        individual’s expectations greatly differ from        Police officers involvement in decision-making
        reality thus impacting the aura surrounding          process for the department has shown to
        officers’ association with the agency. This will     increase commitment to the department;
        affect the officer’s career-long commitment.         however, this has not been adopted within
        When an officer’s desires and expectations           most law enforcement organizations.
        become reality, the officer’s performance will         Police officers in many departments are
        be greater. Officers will expend energy, effort      simply deployed to sectors or beats without any
        and enthusiasm when an agency’s mission,             direction or research-based applications in the
        vision, and priorities align with the officer’s      ways to reduce crime. Police departments
        beliefs.                                             should seek out qualified officers within their
           Another downfall of the bottom-up method          agency who can offer them the unique
        of supervision is that it may not be as effective    perspectives they can bring. Agencies rely on
        if the current top-down management                   the opinions and experience of the
        administrators are not on board with the idea.       administration-level officers without allowing
        Bottom-up management positions are created           the valuable input from lower-level employees,
        so that they have opportunity as well as clout       some of whom have similar training and skill-
        within     an     organization.      Bottom-up       sets. By having their input, agencies can have
        management challenges the role of a manager.         the best of both worlds.  The department’s
        With the implementation of the bottom-up             administration should find these officers within
        approach, managers may feel that their status        their department and stop relying solely on the
        or power has been taken away. It also could          opinions of their administration staff.
        make the implementation process of the new
        management style difficult to deploy if                RECOMMENDATION
        managers are not on board with the idea.               Law      enforcement      agencies     should
           To counter this downfall, an agency must          implement leadership from the bottom up. Law
        ensure that when giving an individual officer a      enforcement organizations are challenged to
        voice, the agency actively listens to the officer.   identify factors impacting an officer’s initiative,

        March/April 2021 • (512) 458-3140                         13
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