Page 15 - March April 2021 TPA Journal
P. 15

Police administration does not often listen to     communicated in a clear and positive manner
        lower level officers in reference to the direction    to the officers. These are important questions
        of the department. However, history has proven        in understanding police officers and in finding
        someone can be a leader even if they possess          a model that fits the agency.
        no rank (VanderVeen, 2014). Inside a police             An     effective    model     that    police
        organization, officers often feel left out of the     administration should use is the MARS Model.
        decision making process. When this occurs, it         It consists of four factors: motivation, ability,
        sends a message to the lower level officer that       role perceptions, and, situational factors
        their opinions are not valued. Therefore, when        (McShane &  Von Glinow, 2014).  All these
        it comes to the decisions that are made, officers     factors have critical influences on an officer’s
        feel that will have to just live with it.             behavior and performance; therefore, a single
           All police departments should provide              low factor will result in poor performance.
        motivation to their officers in order to gain the     Police administration usually determines
        best productivity from them. When officers are        officer productivity and motivation level by
        afforded the opportunity to have a vested             reviewing their self-initiated activity.
        interest in the decision-making process, it             With the use of this model, all levels of the
        enhances their overall job performance.  A            agency are included as part of the process and
        leading from the bottom-up ideology can assist        success of department goals.  This, in turn,
        police departments in obtaining increases in          improves morale and productivity. Individuals
        officers’   morale,    communication,       and       will be more receptive to additional work and
        successful teamwork. Supervision from the             contribute individually specific efforts to
        bottom up is a key component to the success of        ensure objectives and goals are successful.
        a department these days. Law enforcement              The model has been best described as a way
        agencies should manage from the bottom up.            to obtain the full potential from officers.  A
                                                              frontline officer often has a unique insight on
           POSITION                                           solutions to department wide issues.  This
           The current police command staff hierarchy         model allows an officer’s solutions to be
        is ineffective in addressing police officers’         shared with fellow officers and command
        concerns and causes reduction in morale. The          staff.  With this style of teamwork, a
        success of a law enforcement organization is          department would be able to create new and
        driven by officers who are the most valuable          more efficient processes.
        assets of the department (Phibbs, 2011).                The old saying “Happy spouse, happy
        Therefore, police administration needs to             house” has a corollary in all aspect of business
        address the current model of supervision. They        (Economy, 2014).  When officers are
        must be open-minded and conscious of the              enthusiastic about coming to work on a daily
        obstacles the officers face in today’s society.       basis, there will be a positive work place and
           With consideration to all factors, a               enhancement in citizen interactions.  An
        department should use a hybrid of multiple            officer having the opportunity to have a
        models in order to produce greatest                   positive work environment is perhaps one of
        opportunities. Once police administration has         the most important aspects in law
        established     behavioral     cohesion     and       enforcement. Officers need to know that their
        transparency, the process can begin. Moreover,        well-being is just as important as the
        there will need to be several questions of who,       communities they serve.
        what, when and how, which must then be                  When evaluating a police department

        March/April 2021 • (512) 458-3140                         11
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