Page 16 - March April 2021 TPA Journal
P. 16

current     culture,    simple    standardized       backgrounds to qualify their opinions. With the
        procedures can be utilized to evaluate and           model of leading from the bottom up and with
        analyze the values and norms of an agency.           police      officers    evolving,      effective
        High officer performance will also result in         communication and problem-solving can
        lower crime levels and increase citizens’ trust      replace a policy-driven statistical approach to
        in the police which, in turn, will improve the       the way policing is being performed.
        citizen’s quality of life (Phibbs, 2011).  An
        agency with high performance levels will be             COUNTER POSITION
        able to reduce administrative and operational           One downfall of bottom-up management is
        costs; thus, improving its’ short and long term      that it is time consuming.  With so many
        budget goals.                                        individual officers involved in the decision
           Patrol officers are in the largest division in    making process, it can potentially bottleneck
        police departments and have the most                 ideas, leading to missed opportunities or
        experiences with the public. Front line officers     unrealistic ideas being suggested.  With too
        are the ones who face the most challenges due        much information, administration would
        to interactions with the public, outside             potentially have a tougher time reaching an
        agencies, and with members of the criminal           effective solution for goal success.  This may
        element. As a result of this, front line officers    result in an incapability to select a single plan
        acquire leadership skills that encompass             of action and implement it or continuously
        persuasion, communication, and management            needing alteration of procedures.
        techniques. These leadership skills improve the         Additionally, too many ideas will diminish
        ability of these law enforcement officers to         the ability for administration to find effective
        perform their difficult assignments.                 plans for obtaining the department goals
           In addition, there have been several high         (Harper, 2015).  This type of management
        profile and publicized events that have              requires the employee to conduct research as
        impacted police departments, and front line          to the suggestion that they might bring to the
        officers are the one that face them head on.         management’s attention. Employees can often
        These officers have a lot of experience that can     find themselves competing for the best ideas to
        benefit police administration decision making.       take to management which would continue to
        Consistently, all police departments promote         slow down the process of productivity.
        from within and usually from the lowest rank. It        While this may be a downfall, a poll of 675
        is from the lower ranks that police                  workers from the U.S and Canada revealed
        administration promote first line supervisor and     64% believes leaders making decisions
        to the highest rank a police department has.         without seeking input was the largest problem
           By collaborating with lower-level officers,       (Smith, 2012). Smith (2012) stated, “When
        police leaders can see their perspective, while      decisions are made without getting input from
        lower-level officers can understand the              people, they tend to hold back their ideas and
        challenges faced by the administration (Tona,        take less initiative to make improvement” (p.
        n.d.). These front line officers have consistently   4). The poll also found that 38% of respondents
        shown that they have the knowledge,                  believe “leaders dismissing ideas without
        education, and, experience to offer different        exploring these ideas” is the next largest reason
        viewpoints on the issues affecting their             initiative declines in the workforce (Smith,
        communities and profession. In addition, the         2012, p. 5).
        officers also have educational and training             Law enforcement agencies may focus on a

        12        • (512) 458-3140             Texas Police Journal
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