Page 32 - July August 2019 TPA Journal
P. 32

The Role of Practice in Tactical


             Dr. Tom Mijares, Detroit Police (Retired) - School of Criminal Justice, Texas State University
             San Marcos, TX   78666


             Erwin Ballarta, Texas Department of Public Safety (Retired) - Executive Director,
             Texas Police Association

            The importance of practice cannot be            officer should practice the transitions needed to
        overstated.  The Merriam-Webster Dictionary         go from one tactical function in any operation
        defines practice as, “performance of (an            to another. The purpose of practicing these
        activity) or exercise (a skill) repeatedly or       changes is to eliminate extraneous movement,
        regularly in order to improve or maintain one’s     identify weak points, and maximize strong
        proficiency.”    The process requires repetition,   points.  It is the responsibility of the SWAT
        discipline, and the watchful eye of a coach.  In    instructor and ultimately the organization’s
        the context of tactical operations practice must    management, to identify the topics that need
        be done on an individual as well as a team          attention through practice.  This task requires a
        basis.  Tactical training practice usually refers to  continuous analysis of performance levels
        repetition of physical techniques such              during training and a thorough and honest
        shooting, building entry, team movement, and        critique of previous operations to identify any
        take-down techniques.  Reaching a particular        factors that presented a hindrance to the
        level of proficiency in these techniques builds     operation      and      prevented      optimum
        individual self-confidence, unit morale, pride      performance.
        in performance, and an overall sense of team
        integrity that separates the SWAT team from             Practice is enhanced when the trainer or
        other entities in the law enforcement               coach recognizes three related principles.
        community and assures the public that it is         Systematic desensitization (also known as
        being protected properly by its law                 progressive desensitization  and as  graduated
        enforcement personnel.                              exposure therapy) requires breaking down a
                                                            given task into its constituent parts, prioritizing
            However, there are several less obvious         the important aspects, re-assembling them
        aspects of the SWAT assignment that must be         gradually, and then performing the operation at
        practiced regularly.  For example, just as a        progressively increasing levels of speed,
        triathlete practices the necessary changes of       efficiency of movement, and intensity.  Once a
        clothing and equipment to go from swimming          trainer is satisfied with the performance at the
        to cycling and finally to running, the SWAT         basic level, increasing degrees of complexity

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