Page 35 - July August 2019 TPA Journal
P. 35

portion of the SWAT team deployed for                they were able to use the element of surprise
        containment and immediate action if needed.          and take him into custody without injury to
        Since the hotel was designed with identical          anyone involved in the situation including
        rooms throughout the building, the remaining         Stewart and Ms. Madera.
        members of the SWAT team formed an entry
        team and used an empty room with a similar           Conclusion
        floorplan, furniture, and furnishings for               Practice as an element of training is usually
        practice purposes.   With a thorough                 given too little attention in terms of resources,
        understanding of the room’s nuances such as          allocated time, supervision, or organizational
        which way each door opened, the entry team           support.  Too often it is assumed that an initial
        performed a series of “walk-throughs” at a           exposure during a training session will be
        progressively faster and more efficient pace.        sufficient.  However, much of police work,
        Meanwhile the negotiators were able to gain          even the most routine aspects, is based on the
        valuable information about his exact location        use of perishable skills.  Not only does practice
        in the room, his medical and mental condition,       make perfect, it prevents the deterioration of
        his anxiety level, and his ability to increase the   skills, abilities and knowledge bases.
        gravity of the situation.

            When Stewart claimed that he was capable         1  Arnold Palmer, arguably one of the greatest golfers of
        of shooting at aircraft in the hotel’s vicinity, the  all time was once confronted by a news reporter who
        decision was made to enter the room with the         claimed that he was a lucky golfer.  Mr. Palmer admitted
        use of a distraction device.  Because of the         that indeed he was a lucky golfer and that the more he
                                                             trained and practiced, the luckier he became.
        officers’ familiarity with the layout of the room,

        July/August 2019  •  866-997-8282                          31
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