Page 33 - July August 2019 TPA Journal
P. 33
and varying environments are introduced so Dr. Kenneth Cooper (1982) as an elevation of
that the task can be completed successfully metabolism through physical exercise. In
under different conditions and circumstances. particular, Dr. Cooper noted that progressively
This process is used in a variety of settings and incrementally elevated levels of physical
ranging from athletic teams to military exercise strengthened the heart and respiratory
maneuvers to the preparation of astronauts for muscles and lowered blood pressure while
deep space exploration. increasing the amount of blood flow and red
blood cells to the muscles. Thus, the
Muscle memory is the end product of circulatory system becomes a more efficient
performing a specific task repeatedly. With carrier of oxygen to the cells and remover of
proper instruction, appropriate constructive carbon dioxide. The term has been
criticism, and reinforcement for progress, slow extrapolated to other physical activities
and stiff movements that may require thought whereby the efficiency of an operation can be
and concentration can be refined into a increased by repeated exertion under
smooth motion that requires less and less continuously increasing levels of frequency,
mental effort. An example can be seen by intensity, and duration. This principle applies
watching a baby progress from being relatively to both individual and collective or group
motionless at birth to crawling to toddling and activity.
finally to walking without falling. As the child
grows and learns to more complicated actions Muscle memory, systematic
such as riding a bicycle or running, a major desensitization, and the training effect will
factor toward progress is the encouragement produce an automatic response to given
given by parents throughout the process. situations with sufficient supervised practice.
Once the child learns how to walk, run, and The principle works in a similar fashion during
ride, similar actions in the future become team activities. Just as Tom Brady and his pass-
automatic. In a similar fashion the SWAT receiving corps have practiced their drop-
officer may learn how to rappel by initially backs and pass routes countless times, the
with walking backward on a flat floor to SWAT team must likewise practice
descending a stairwell backward to the containment movements, entry techniques,
addition of a rappel harness and learning how and takedown skills until the entire operation is
to control a descent by positioning the hands automatic. It is the responsibility of the trainer
to the final step of a safe completely vertical (or coach or instructor) to observe the team
rappel. In the same manner as a parent and the individuals to ensure that the
nurturing the baby through the learning procedures are correct and then to require
process, the rappel master will be present to increased effectiveness and efficiency in
provide positive reinforcement through performance. Similarly, other athletes such as
guidance and encouragement and to ensure Lebron James and Serena Williams are at the
the safety of the learner. For the principle of top of their respective sports, but each
muscle memory to be effective, a given task practices with unrelenting zeal 1 under the
must be performed several times so that the watchful scrutiny and guidance of a coach.
entire movement is automatic. Through supervised practice constructive
criticism can be offered about past
The training effect was first described by performances, suggestions can be made about
July/August 2019 • 866-997-8282 29