Page 34 - July August 2019 TPA Journal
P. 34
present operations, and instruction can be from a different location. Without proper
made about future applications of the practice, the element of timed surprise is lost
performer’s skills. and the mission may be compromised.
The adage that “practice makes perfect” has Finally, just as an athletic team becomes
a direct application to police tactical more efficient and proficient as it repeatedly
operations. runs a play during a practice session before a
game, a SWAT team removes superfluous
Viewed as the logical extension of training, movements with a practice. Excessive
practice provides several benefits particularly movements, both individual and collective, can
when the session is content valid and based on easily alert the criminal or terrorist suspect to
a review of past case histories. the approach of rescue forces and thereby
jeopardize the safety of any hostages and
First, practice allows a supervisory officer compromise the completion of the mission.
to observe a simulated performance, thereby They can also prevent the police responders
identifying any need for further police assets, from applying life-saving first aid in a timely
either in the form of personnel or equipment. fashion.
Reinforcements and extra equipment are easier
to find and put into operation during an Case History: Practice and the Rainbow Man
organized dry run than after a crisis has at LAX
escalated uncontrollably. The ultimate form of practice occurs as a
rehearsal especially if it takes place under close
Second, a training session can identify proximity to the application. On September
potential problems, particularly if the physical 22, 1992 at 0915 hours, Rollen Fredrick
conditions can be closely replicated. While a Stewart entered the Hyatt Hotel near Los
schematic description is very helpful, “hands- Angeles International Airport (LAX). Stewart
on” experience on a practical problem such as had a history of wearing a multi-colored wig
how a door opens is priceless. Experiential and carrying a sign displaying John 3: 16 at
familiarity with its physical characteristics such public events. Earlier in his life he had a string
as friction resistance and noise can be directly of failed marriages. He walked into a room that
applied to the resolution of the problem and had been recently vacated and was being
the safe arrest of the criminal offender. cleaned by a housekeeper, Paula Madera. Ms.
Madera immediately recognized that Stewart
Third, supervised rehearsal provides was a emotionally and mentally disturbed
information about the anticipated chronology individual and managed to lock herself in the
and amount of time during the sequence of the unit’s bathroom where she notified personnel at
events of a crisis. This information is critical the front desk of the situation.
when the actions of one aspect of the
operation are dependent on the amount of A call was made to the Los Angeles Police
time needed to complete a subsequent aspect. Department. The LAPD SWAT team and Crisis
For example, a distraction device may be Negotiation team were dispatched to the
employed during a hostage rescue operation scene. Negotiators attempted to obtain Ms.
and followed at a designated time by an entry Madera’s release through dialogue while one
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