Seaford College Autumn Newsltter 2022
P. 1

Autumn 2022
A round up of academic and pastoral news
 Student Voice
Student voice has gone from strength to strength this term. The Year Group Council representatives were selected in September from Year 9-13, across the Middle and Senior School.
Each group of representatives were selected to appeal to the broadest demographic in every year group, so that they can reach the greatest audience.
All council members wear a badge to identify themselves as the ‘School Council’. The reps meet in their respective common rooms once a week, listening to their peers and recording current issues. These notes are brought forward to the Year Group Council on the third Monday of every half term. Through discussion, the most relevant and pressing issues are carried forward to the School Council, which meets on the fourth Monday of each half of term. Each year group hosts a slot to debate the hot topics.
Raising the profile of our Year Group Council representatives and giving them weekly responsibilities helps them to take ownership of their roles. Speaking to peers as an MP would speak to their constituents introduces all our students
to the concept of democracy and the rules of law,
while developing tolerance and mutual respect. Understanding that there is a process to follow is an important lesson.
Members of our School Council would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and thank you all for your support.
  Love to learn

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