P. 10

Also, Madya (2022) considers involving PA along with SA because it can build

                        students’ critical thinking toward their individual assessment by comparing their

                        work with their peers. Boud and Falchikov (2007) state that PA is viewed as a

                        technique  for  developing  SA  skills.  In  summary,  students'  critical  evaluation  is

                        significantly influenced by learning from and with peers, as they are required to

                        engage in critical thinking when implementing the input they receive and when

                        offering feedback to others.

                                  Feedback is regarded as important in learning writing and helps students and

                        teachers  improve  their  teaching-learning  journey.  Feedback  is  among  the  most

                        powerful  influences  on  achievement  (Hattie  &  Timperley,  2007).  Lee  (2017)

                        reckons that feedback is necessary because the teachers' feedback plays a pivotal

                        role in strengthening the result of self – and peer–assessment for adjusting students'

                        learning plans for EFL writing. Irons and Elkington (2022) assert that feedback

                        should  not  solely  originate  from  the  teacher  but  should  also  be  sourced  from

                        students themselves and their peers. In the context of writing instruction, students

                        benefit  from  feedback  in  developing  their  writing  skills  (Liu  &  Zhou,  2018).

                        However, feedback must also align with the learning and assignment objectives

                        (Costa & Toledo, 2020). Briefly, instruction goals-based feedback is necessary for

                        students’ ongoing continuing learning development.

                            Dealing  with  self-feedback,  peers’  feedback,  and  lecturers’  feedback

                        discussed before,  Irons  and  Elkington  (2022)  emphasize that criteria or scoring

                        rubrics  play  a  significant  role  in  giving  feedback  because  the  rubrics  link

                        performances to criteria. Regarding this issue, Pui et al. (2020) investigated the use

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