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students' abilities to write an argumentative essay. In that case, the test instruction

                        should assist students in creating the argumentative text, and student's ability to

                        present  assertions  and  pieces  of  evidence  should  be  assessed.  Concerning  the

                        validity context, students must be rated against the generic structure and language

                        employed in the argumentative text. In the reliability, on the other hand, all raters

                        should apply the same criteria to score students' work.

                                  Furthermore, GBA encourages students' critical thinking because they should

                        be able to apply writing elements based on the intended text type. According to

                        Bruce  (2008),  writing  pedagogy  using  GBA  should  engage  critical  thinking

                        abilities  since  learners  are  encouraged  to  express  their  voices  by  using  various

                        components  of  their  discourse  knowledge  individually  and  innovatively.  The

                        previous discussion indicates that GBA can be implemented either in the teaching

                        or assessment process to enhance students' awareness in constructing EFL texts to

                        meet a specific text's generic structure and language features on one particular text.

                            Many  studies  have been devoted to the  effectiveness  of GBA in  learning

                        writing  skills,  especially  in  universities.  For  example,  Nagao  (2019),  who

                        researched implementing the SFL genre-based approach in teaching EFL writing

                        with 27 first-year university students in Japan, revealed specific improvements in

                        the  students'  written  texts,  particularly  among  students  with  low  English

                        proficiency. One of the benefits of implementing the genre-based approach model

                        in  the  study  is  students'  understanding  of  using  modal  verbs  as  "interpersonal

                        meaning." Ahmad (2018) also found in his study the significant result of the GBA

                        in improving students' skills in writing a descriptive text. Students became more

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