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acquiring this complex skill does not occur spontaneously. However, it was
determined by the students that additional practice in writing was necessary
throughout the process of teaching and learning. Hence, writing education must
facilitate the development of students' ability to generate ideas by employing
effective pedagogical strategies, such as furnishing them with pertinent background
knowledge and offering them a textual exemplar.
The present curriculum adopted in higher education is called “Kurikulum
Merdeka, which mandates students' involvement in the learning and assessment
processes. It also informs a standard-setting to analyze and report students' learning
outcomes. However, a previous study conducted by the researcher uncovered the
course syllabus for teaching writing does not consider engaging students in
assessment processes, such as through self-and peer assessment. As a result, the
lecturers are reluctant to assign students to self-assess or assess their peers.
Feedback in learning writing skills is one of the influential factors in students'
writing achievement because it bridges students' learning and knowledge
construction. Feedback should come from self, peers, and teachers. Giving
feedback facilitates students to adjust their learning plan, while teachers provide
scaffolding to promote learning improvement. However, in practice, students need
more comprehensible feedback from the teachers and peers due to time spent. If the
teachers provide feedback, it is only about informative feedback. As a result,
students find it challenging to identify their learning progress and review their text
to see if it meets the instructional goal.